GAZA 2/3/2008
Israeli occupation army bombing Gaza WITH aircraft and warships
Death toll so far 66 including children and women
Israeli minister threatens new holocaust in Gaza
Does this state want peace??
Where is the world's conscience towards these crimes??
Is America will continue to support this terrorism??
Israeli occupation army bombing Gaza WITH aircraft and warships
Death toll so far 66 including children and women
Israeli minister threatens new holocaust in Gaza
Does this state want peace??
Where is the world's conscience towards these crimes??
Is America will continue to support this terrorism??
hey i don't know who you are...and you don't know me...but i just want to tell you that you are doing great work and i just hope that people read your blog and understand that Islam is a religion of peace :)
If the ruling govenment of a nation state sanction the bombing of a neighbour state. Then it is a declaration of war when that happens. I think Israel has been very slow to react to the constant barrage of missiles and attempted or suceseful suicide bombings on it. It seems to me that if the Gaza citizens were to have elected a govenerment which wanted peace, then maybe we would be in a different situation right now! The PA can't have it both ways.. expect to be treated as peaceful nation and at the same time agree at the HIGHEST level of government to extend missile and other bombing practices.
I hope that the military action from both sides are minimal and that civilian casualties are also! These are worrying times for all.
You really need to learn proper english grammar and punctuation if you wish to write in english.
As it is now you come off as, at best, a child, and at worst an ignorant terrorist.
Also the kids wouldn't have been killed had you not been hiding missles in your schools, and using them as human shields.
Palestinian children will stop dying when the Palestinians love their children half as much as they hate Israel.
i will not surprise when i read this comment from an israeli person who alwyes think we are responsible for israel massacers and crims
i wish all world watch this justification of killing innocent and children
I am not isreali. I would eliminate everyone living in the region and turn it into a parkinglot. Everyone there is so involved in their little disputes and have proven that they cannot get along. Kill everyone there Jew Palestinian arab everyone and then maybe the land will have some peace.
if u think so
go and bomb ur self amoung eny body !!!
that is sad to hear that
Some potential hope?
Looks like both sides have agreed that if the attacks stop then the retaliatory attacks would stop.
I still doubt that anyone in the region will ever have peace, need to pave over everything for that to happen.
I am neither Jewish nor an Arab, just a concerned individual who believes in justice and a persons right to live freely in their own country. When Israel was created they should have been content with what was given to them, instead they are constantly trying to push the Palestinians out of their own country. The Israelis use weapons whilst the lowly Arab has only stones to throw, you tell me, is this a fair fight? It is time America stopped propping up Israel and moved out of the Middle East.
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