Why do you insist on making the hostility between us grow?
Why you don Respect our religion and beliefs?
Is freedom of expression means provoking others???
I think it was better to strengthen the relationship between the Danish people and Arab people
Instead of making the Arabs and Muslims are outraged by Denmark and Danish people
Do you know who is Muhammad?
he is the Messenger of Islam , he is our prophet , we love him too much , and we respect him too much
the muslims are angry from this Action disgraceful , and we wish see that danish ppl respect us as we respect the other culture
Hey i'm danish, you are absoloutly right. We will let all the arabian countries do as they like. the arabian countries just have to leave the Jews and their religion and country alone, and we'll do the same.
BTW, you wouldn't be able to practice your beliefs in our country if it wasn't for free speech. And it's not like people don't make fun of Jesus, but we deal with that, because we turn the other cheek, as he said.
Why don't you respect our ideals and our freedom. It is fine if you wish to live under the choke of religion, but many in the developed world wish to live under their own rules and morals. You are freely allowed to not do whatever you wish, but when you call for murder against someone who was acting well withing the laws of their own sovereign country, you are insane.
(And need to be paved over if you are wondering who I am)
Translated into your speak:
Y don u respect ur idealz and ur freedom. PRAIZE ALLAH (PBUH) It fine if u wish 2 be under the glorious life of religion, but many in the great satan wish to be killed as infidels.
اخى الفاضل ... اختى الفاضلة
--------------------------- ادعوكم للانضمام الى ---------------------------
****************** حملة حماية ****************
والتى اطلقها الداعية الاسلامى الكبير / عمرو خالد من اجل محاربة الادمان
وبدء علاج بعض المدمنيين ....زوروا مدونتى او موقع الداعية الكبير لمزيد من المعلومات
عن الحملة .. لا تتردد فى فعل الخير ..فهذا العمل لوجه الله فلا تتاخر نحن فى حاجة الى
مساعدتك لننجز ما بدءنا ان شاء الله . لا تنسى وضع الشعار فى مدونتك
If you are going to type in what you believe to be english, do it right and dont disrespect our language.
If you dont like that.... we dont care. We rule this world with an iron fist and a Crucifix around our necks. Not with poverty and a book that was only created so one guy could get assume wealty and piggy back of our lord jesus christs ideals.
ETERNAL Death to Muhammed, End Islam! You are made light of all over the world. You are a running joke. We have the money. We have the power. We are THE CHURCH of GOD!
Hope you like sand
-The actual chosen ones
Hey I'm also danish.
Just want to drop by and represent the major part of Denmark, that respects other people, their religion, and their ways of doing things.
And just to point it out I'M NOT A RACIST OR FUNDAMENTALIST.
I just want to put things straight here. The danish government is seperated from the church, which means the government is not "ruling" with the bible in the hand. Christendom has nothing to do with these so to speak "attacks" on your prophet, Muhammed.
In Denmark we have, by law, the right to speak whats on our minds. So a guy who didnt like Jesus could say:"Go to hell Jesus"! Then he would have exercised his right to say what was on his mind.
One of OUT BELIEFS is FREEDOM. And freedom comes first.
These drawings of your prophet, Muhammed, is an example of how to use the right to speak whats on ones mind, without getting punished.
The author of these drawings is not muslim, so how can he be under the rule of muslim law? He cannot be responsible for anything the Koran says, right?
The fact is: it is okay you are angry with the danish people, cause it is your right to be angry, but I just think it is important not to blame ALL of the danish people, just because a slight percentage of the danish inhabitants think Islam is bad.
With universal love
thank u christian for ur comment
but i want tell u a thing
we are not Circulate
we know that not all danish accept Humiliate us
but i wish see some danish care for make the distance between us be more close
to the guy who rule this world with an iron fist and a Crucifix around his neck
this is Principle of terrorists
and i want tell u some thing I do not intend to enter the English language exam
i have a message and i thinke u are understanding it , but if u cant understand my post try learn arabic
I'm not Danish, But i'm Australian and i've met alot of Danes in my short life, Most of whitch have no problem with Islam or Muslims (None of them expressed a hatred for it) It's not really a thing that comes up in conversation, Ignore the guy who rules the world with a crucifix around his neck, Every person/culture/religion has a right to exist, Unfortunately due to the actions of the few the masses tend to be incompatable (Unfortunately)
But it's people like you that will see a world of culture co-existing!
Keep up your good work mate.
well, I am Spanish, and in Europe the freedom of speech is the rule of law.
I am not muslim, in fact I am an ex catholic now atheist. I despise all religions because they cause separation, death, delusion, etc.
The muslim rules do NOT apply to me, only the rules and laws of my country do, so I have the right to make a cartoon of muhammed if I want. I can also make fun of any religion as I please..... I have freedom of speech and I use it accordingly.
Muslims need to understand that every country has its own laws, and I do not believe that I have to respect ideas that I consider to be stupid, I am outspoken, Islam is right now the most dangerous religion in the face of the earth (Christianity was such some centuries ago).
Muslims outside of their countries need to put up with out freedom of speech, or go back to your countries.... you are more than welcome here as long as you can follow our rules and don't try to impose yours, we don't want to go back to the stone age.
If allah was real, would he be that frail to be offended by words? by cartoons? muhammed is dead, long time now... he doesn't get offended either just as Napoleon, both are historical figures no longer on earth.
والله مدونة جميلة جدا
واتمنالك التوفيق فيما تقدمه وما تبذله من مجهود
وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله
An open question then:
Is your faith in your faith sufficently weak that you're going to be disturbed by a cartoon?
As a Christian, I find vandalism of religious art of any sort offensive, but it doesn't distract me from my beliefs.
Pity those who do these things.
Jesus, who you do recognise as a prophet (whether or not his divinity is accepted), said that we should love the sinner, but hate the sin.
He didn't say that we should riot and threaten.
Perhaps another one: when the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, where was your concern for the history and art of another religion?
It is natural to be jealous on eny important thing in your life .
if eny one attack your mother , your children , your belive " i mean moral attack " you should feel angry.
that is our feeling , we love mohamed more than our mothers , our families , ourselves too
so it is from our right to be angry from those who doesnt respect us and our religion
our religion ordered us to not attack innocent , destroying cars and buldings ,"What comes out of some Muslims is not the teachings of Islam "
but who did that are some muslim youth felt with angry from this Action disgraceful
why do you insist on making taleban representative islam ???
taleban is an orgainsation hase their own belive , ideas , and thoughts , taleban attacked muslims too
in egypt , sudia arabia , jordon , iraq
finally i want post a part of our holly quran
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
(1) Say : O ye that reject Faith! (2) I worship not that which ye worship, (3) Nor will ye worship that which I worship. (4) And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, (5) Nor will ye worship that which I worship. (6) To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Hey there, I´m Danish, happy to be born where i was but not very proud of my government nor the anger (fear) that rages in many of my fellow countrymen.
I want to say that I and a lot of others understand why you are angry with us.
With our right to free speech we are allowed to picture Anybody. Sorry guys, but that´s just how it is. We know it´s blasphemy to you if we picture Muhammed, but hey, we can picture our own prophet and even god as well. I guess we took that freedom during the french revolution in the late 1700's.
But that's one thing.
Another is how we do it.
I think that Jyllandsposten (the newspaper that called out for drawings of Muhammed) wanted to see how afraid the danes were of "the muslim threat" (cause that's how our media put it) and thereby asked if anyone dared to defy "your" rules. Simply to see if anybody had the balls.
Jyllandsposten got a lot of drawings of Muhammed. Apparently, many cartoonists in Denmark weren't afraid of "the muslim threat" and tried to show some aspects of how they viewed the Prophet of Islam.
One of these drawings was of a fat man with a bomb in his headdress.
And I believe that it is the one that has caused all of this.
I mean, picturing Muhammed slipping in a bananaskin would be one thing.
Maybe, in time, even you guys would have accepted that, because it would be a harmless cartoon. I mean, everybody could slip in a bananaskin- even jesus- maybe even God.
What makes it volatile is that in our media, when we hear about suicidebombers and terrorists, they are somehow all Muslim. That makes the majority of our people think that all Muslims approve of what they do. And maybe, if we we´re stupid enough to think so (and we are) that all Muslims are potential Suicidebombers. Hence, the Infamous Cartoon.
So it got printed and hell followed in its wake. Nobody knew whether to defend ideals of respect and compassion or the right to free speech. Our Primeminister even said that he didn't think the drawings would do anybody any good, but at the same time he had to defend our right to free speech.
Now that's one thing. Another is how he did it.
12 diplomats from Muslim countries wanted a meeting with him about the drawings. They wanted him to persecute the ones responsible. Instead of having the meeting and telling the 12 diplomats that his hands were tied and that he could not persecute them under any law, he rejected them.
I don't know much about international diplomacy but it seems to me that he made a pretty disrespectful statement there.
Anyways, there are still a lot of danes who value our multi-religious society. If we stop watching TV, we slowly begin to see that you are human just like us. Some of us even convert to Islam. I can´t talk on behalf of all of Denmark, but I can say that I personally am sorry for what we have done. It started as a (really bad) joke, but it got out of hand. Sorry. We didn't think anybody would hear it! Nobody ever listens to what we say! Sorry, guys.
thank you Frederik for your exceplane
we know that alot of weast look to us like a terrorists and i wish we all do to know each others and make union against the terrorism , wars , occupations
i wish we can do that
It is hard for me to sympathize with your position when you display so much hatred for the west. I am from the west but I do not hate muslims...it is hard for me to believe you are seeking peace when you show antagonistic cartoons and make those kinds of comments about my country.
Seeing each other as "evil" or as war criminals will do us no good.
If you truly want respect then you should try to show it.
we dont generalize
if u look at the right side of my blog u will see that i said " we dont hate all americans " - at the top -
and i put i picture says " we dont hate the others , we all need the peace "
i wish you understand me , in this blog i show what happend to us every day
accept my regard
iam so sorry to see opinions of the danish or the others
we are not terrorists you must learn more about what you say (free speach) islam is the best you must learn more about islam
بجد انا اتصدمت لما رايت راى الغرب فينا واننا ارهابين وان حرية الراى عندهم انهم يعملوا مسلسلات وكارتون يستهزئوا بينا بالاسلام يجب علينا جميعا ان نعلمهم ما هو الا سلام وان نحببهم فيه توجد مواقع كثيرة للتعليم والمعرفة عن الدين الاسلامى دية مسؤليتنا كلنا مش مسؤلية فرد وحده
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