There are those who claim that Islam was spread by force and murder and People were forced to enter Islam, especially Christians, who were living in Muslim countries
This means that Muslims make non-Muslims chose between entering Islam or murder
if that is true you would not see eny non-muslims in islamic contries
you would find all people in islamic contries are muslims , because if ther fathers didnt enter islam the would be murdered so the christean and jews would disappeared from our land
but in fact Muslims gave people the freedom to believe in any religion
Any person is free to remain on religion or change to Islam
but in fact Muslims gave people the freedom to believe in any religion
Any person is free to remain on religion or change to Islam
This explains the presence of such a large number of Christians and Jews from the Arabs
هل الاسلام انتشر بحد السيف ؟؟
بعض الناس يدعون ان الاسلام انتشر بالقوة والقتل وان الناس كانوا يرغمون على الدخول الى هذا الدين
وهذا يعنى ان المسلمون كانوا يخيرون الغير مسلمين بين القتل او الدخول الى الاسلام
ولو كان ذلك صحيحا فانك لن تجد اى شخص من اى ديانة اخرى فى بلاد المسلمين
لان ابائهم اما كانوا اسلموا او قتلوا
ولكن الاسلام اعطى حرية الاعتقاد لاى شخص فكل شخص مخير بين ان يبقى على دينة او ان يدخل الى الاسلام
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