Jihad in Islam is "defending the homeland is to defend the family
jihad in islam is to Fight occupation , Recovery of the occupied land , Fighting armed soldier who comes to our homeland so occupied and kill my family
Jihad is not to kill innocent people or blowing up buildings and killing civilians
It is prohibited to kill women , children , old men , and all who are not Carrying a weapon
What comes out of some Muslims is not the teachings of Islam
الجهاد فى الاسلام هو الدفاع عن الوطن الدفاع عن العائلة , محاربة الاحتلال واسترداد الارض المحتلة محاربة الجنود المسلحين الذين يأتون لبلادنا لاحتلالها وليقتلوا اسرنا
الجهاد ليس قتل المدنيين وتفجير المبانى بل انه محرم على المجاهد قتل النساء والاطفال والشيوخ وكل من لا يحمل سلاحا
ليس كل ما يصدر عن المسلمين هو من تعاليم الاسلام
اخينا الفاضل
كل الشكر لك رغبتك فى الانضمام الينا ونحن فى انتظار زيارتك للجنة العضوية وكتابة استمارة العضوية لتنظيم العمل بالاتحاد واختيار لجنة تناسب ميولك للتواصل مع باقى الاعضاء وخدمتهم ان امكن
مع تحيات اخوك
حسن توفيق
You say this.. and I hope it is correct. But I hear Imam's say EXACTLY the oposite! Which is right? At this time I see terrorists bombers state that they are doing what they do as part of a holy Jihad. So I can not believe that you write is correct, however much I want to!
i explained the real concept of jihad
some ppl need to justify thier own behavior
like bush called killing innocent ppl as a war on terrorism
do u think it is really a war on terrorism????
No I think you are quite right that rhetoric from bush and his cronies are indeed defined by other motivators and terrorism is a happy "get out clause" for his actions. I have no problem saying that alot odf the actions around the world by several "western nations" are not justifiable. However that does not mean that there is a perceved to be real or actual real problem with Jihadism. As I said, I hope very much that what you say (very clearly I might add) is the case because the message I keep hearding is different and worries me!
Thank you for responding by the way, it's appreciated.
I wish for peace too!
I don't recall any of the 8 students that were massacred in Jerusalem last week being armed. With most of the Arab world praising the terrorist, it doesn't seem that they adhere to the concept of Jihad either.
I am a soldier and agree with your concept of self preservation and protection of home and family. However, when terrorists attack muslims who support the occupying forces, who are unarmed might I mention, it makes one think of how many people are using a Jihad as and excuse to kill mame and destroy things that stand in the way of their interests.
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