Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar with greater personal Christian in Egypt
Islam does not call for the fight against others
Each person has the freedom to believe in eny religion
Our Prophet was visiting his jewish neighbor when he was ill
It also ordered not to antagonize the people of other religions
Islam does not call for the fight against others
Each person has the freedom to believe in eny religion
Our Prophet was visiting his jewish neighbor when he was ill
It also ordered not to antagonize the people of other religions
What comes out of some Muslims is not the teachings of Islam
شيخ الازهر مع اكبر شخصية دينية مسيحية فى مصر
الاسلام لا يدعو لقتال ابناء
الديانات الاخرى
لكل شخص حرية الاعتقاد فى اى ديانة
رسولنا الكريم كان يزور جاره اليهودى عندما كان مريضا
كما انه امر بعدم معاداة ابناء الديانات الاخرى
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